Are you ready to leverage
the power of audio to make an even                       

with your business?

Are you ready to leverage
the power of audio to make an even                            with
your business?

We manage podcasts for coaches, consultants, and digital service providers who want to strategically use audio to reach more people, deliver a next-level client experience, and make more money doing what they love.

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bigger impact



the search is over

We're the only podcast management
agency that puts profits first

At Profitable Podcast Co, the profitability of your podcast is the starting point, not an afterthought.

We specialize in helping business owners monetize their podcasts so they can amplify their voice, expand their reach AND turn more subscribers into sales.

If you’re ready to be more intentional with your content, discover innovative uses for your audio content, and finally feel like your podcasting efforts are paying off, we’re the team to make it happen. Let’s chat.

Apply Now!

I just finished my first launch working with Profitable Podcast Co and let me just tell you: we DOUBLED our launch numbers! Tara & I worked together about 2 or 3 months before we actually launched to plan + strategize the podcast messaging, the podcast episodes, and she gave me ideas I never would have considered on my own. They helped me elevate my podcast in so many different ways.



Someone needs to say it
and it's                            

gonna be me


It’s no secret that consistently creating high-quality content is one of the best ways to connect with your community and generate leads for your business. 


gonna be me

These platforms were intentionally designed to keep us addicted and coming back for more. Not so that we can fill our cup with meaningful interactions, but rather so we can get our “fix” from meaningless content.

And as algorithms prioritize 10-second videos over anything else, our attention spans are only getting shorter and shorter.

But savvy CEOs know that “trendy” often doesn’t equal “profitable and sustainable”. And that’s exactly why you’re here.

You didn’t get into business to be a content creator. You created your business to be paid for your gifts and the meaningful transformations you deliver for your clients. 

And to have that kind of impact and reach, you need more than viral videos that have a shorter shelf life than just-ripe avocados. 


You believe in prioritizing audiences over algorithms

You need content that’s just as deeply transformational as the work that you do.

And that’s where intentional podcasting comes in. 

                                                                           report listening to podcasts every month

                                                                    alone is expected to surpass $2 billion in revenue by 2023

                                                                                            have an annual income of $75,000 and are listening to podcasts about 7 times per week

                                                                          have bought something after hearing it promoted on a show

More than 1 in 3 Americans

The US podcast market

About 45% of podcast listeners

63% of podcast listeners


report listening to podcasts every month

alone is expected to surpass $2 billion in revenue by 2023

have an annual income of $75,000 and are listening to podcasts about 7 times per week

have bought something after hearing it promoted on a show

Podcasts are leading the way as the most intimate, impactful & profitable way to connect with your audience.

As a podcaster, those numbers probably
come as no surprise to you

And anyone who claims that podcasting isn’t profitable hasn’t seen the way we do things. 

You already believe in the power of audio. It’s why you started your show in the first place. But as a business owner, you need to be making money from your podcast. End of story.

We’re known for helping our clients strategically integrate audio content across their entire business, so they can nurture leads, make sales, and generate next-level revenue. 

We’d love for you to be our next success story.

Apply Now!

I was feeling really all over the place with my podcast strategy. I didn’t know how to best leverage it for my sales and launching process. Tara helped me map out all of the content for my upcoming launch and understand how to best leverage my podcast for my listeners and my business. They really help you take your podcast to the next level, so it can be a powerful tool in your business.”



Making your podcast really work for your business means so much more than download numbers and inserting a call-to-action in every episode and calling it a day.

Our holistic approach is focused on strategically creating content that maximizes your online presence, builds brand awareness, attracts and nurtures dream clients, and actively closes sales (without you lifting a finger once you put down the mic).

Traditional Podcasting Is Broken

But can we let you in on a secret? 

A weekly show is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to truly leveraging the powet of audio content.

Which is why we help you turn your podcast into an entire ecosystem of content.

Not only can we actively repurpose your podcast into cross-channel content that generates leads and solidifies your authority, but we also have some innovative strategies up our sleeves to help you simplify your business and better serve your clients.

When you work with us you will learn to apply the power of audio to:

Your email 



freebies & lead magnets


Your client

& programs

Your marketing 
& promotion 


You’ve never seen podcast management like this before

Whether you love to live launch, want to scale an evergreen funnel, or want to book out your done-for-you services, our approach to podcast management is simple:

Our podcast strategies adapt to sales strategy, not the other way around.

It doesn’t matter what services you sell or how you like to sell them, because we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. We’ll help you find the most innovative and profitable ways to use podcasting in your business, plain and simple.

Apply now!

Tara’s team has been the best hire in my business. I use my podcast like Frank’s red hot... I use that shit for everything. It nurtures and converts my lurking audience, it attracts new people to me, it handles my sales efforts, and combats objections...

If you have a business and a message and you want to literally speak and have it accessible in the simplest form - you need a podcast. If you want it done well, you need Tara and her team.



The before

Megan Yelaney is an online business coach and host of The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast. Before working with us, she loved creating her podcast, but she knew it wasn’t generating any sales for her business. She also wasn’t seeing any consistent growth in terms of her reach, and her downloads were stagnating.

The after

Since handing over her monthly management to us, Megan has been able to fully step into her role as CEO of her business. She knew she was at a point in her business where she didn’t want to deal with all of the tech, editing, and repurposing anymore, and now she simply records her episodes, sends us the content, and we work our magic.

But beyond all that ease, Megan has truly tapped into profitable podcasting. She now regularly sees applications for her high-level, 1:1 services and her group coaching program directly via her podcast. She’s repeatedly been told by her clients that her podcast made it easy for them to work with her, and built the trust they needed to make that leap and invest.

Her words, not ours

“Before working with Profitable Podcast Co, my podcast was kind of a hobby. I wasn’t using it as an incredible connection tool for my audience, an incredible way to drive sales or to nurture those leads and build that know, like, trust factor for my high-level programs.

Now, my podcast is such an incredible connection piece for building trust. But the thing that Profitable Podcast Co does so well is to help you look beyond that. They want you to connect with your audience, but they also want you to make money from your podcast. And that’s been so huge.”

Meet Megan, who went from treating her podcast as a hobby to making consistent high-ticket sales

Meet Megan, who went from treating her podcast as a hobby to making consistent high-ticket sales

The Profitable Podcast Management Package

Your time is WAY too valuable to keep editing, producing, and scheduling your podcast episodes on your own. Get back to your life and let us take care of the rest! 

We’ll help you produce up to four episodes each month, including descriptions, edits, uploading, and scheduling. Oh, and all of those tech hiccups that make you want to rip your hair out? We’ve got those covered, too.

Most podcast management companies stop here. But *spoiler alert* — we go much, much further.


The Fundamentals

Every aspect of our monthly management package has been carefully thought out to bring more ease, visibility, and sales to your podcasting strategy.

From elevating your podcast’s vibe to making your content work for you across multiple platforms, we’ll help you deliver a five-star-review-worthy experience each and every week. 


This is where we really shine! We’ll help you take your biggest and boldest ideas and effortlessly turn them into content that echoes through the internet, supports your business goals, and converts subscribers into sales.


The Strategy (Our Special Sauce)


Quarterly content intensives with Tara to help you align your podcast topics with your business goals 

Delivering a great first impression with your podcast goes way beyond your audio and content. From elevated cover art to engaging social posts, our team has mastered the art and the algorithm-driven science that goes into creating an incredible podcast experience.




Custom-designed podcast cover so you can grab the attention of new listeners and ensure your podcast matches your brand’s look and feel

The love, attention, and value you pour into your podcast deserve to be heard and seen by as many people as possible — whether they tune in to your latest episode or not! That’s why we make sure to repurpose your episodes across all of your marketing channels, so you can expand your reach and truly maximize your content (without being tied to your phone).


Content Repurposing


4 Weekly Promotional Videos, Posts, and stories that focus on nurturing your community, prime them for sales, and get them to plug in your latest episode. (Captions included)

Strategic ad creation and placement to ensure we’re always driving traffic to your offers when and where it matters most

Launch event support to help you leverage your podcast as an effective pre-launch strategy and increase conversions (up to one launch per quarter)

Optimized podcast description for all major streaming platforms to help your podcast get found by more listeners

Access to the Frequency Fortune Forum: Optional Community & Mastermind events to  explore new ways to dial into the potential of your podcast, diversifying its reach, and amplifying its return on investment.

Custom-designed social media templates so we can create scroll-stopping, perfectly-on-brand promo and value-add graphics for each of your episodes

Podcast landing page audit to make sure we’re giving your podcast a beautiful home on your website and optimizing it for traffic and sales

(Want us to give your landing page and show notes “post” template a makeover for you? Ask about our optional website design upgrade.)

SEO-optimized “blog post” show notes (one per episode) written, edited, uploaded, and published to your site.

Additional clips and content ideas for you & your team to leverage should you decide to.

Think of us as your Swiss Army Knife of content

When it comes to holistic, strategic, and profitable podcasting, you have two options:

You could spend a ton of time and money hiring an audio producer, a social media manager, a content strategist, a graphic designer, a content writer, and more to implement it for you.

Or you could hire a team of specialists who eat, breathe and sleep profitable podcasting, and have the systems already in place to support you. 

Spoiler alert — one option is much easier (and more cost-effective) than the other.

The investment


Package includes weekly promo content


per month

  • Four episodes a month edited and published
  • Admin Support 
  • SEO optimized show notes written + Posted
  • Optimized podcast platform description
  • two social media captions & graphics per episode
  • two social media stories per episode
  • + more
1:1 Podcasting for your Business Strategy & Launch support 
$2,500 for The first month Then

Sound like exactly what you
are looking for?

Here’s how it works, in 3 simple steps:


Use the button below to apply and fill out our DFY Podcast Management Application



Tara & The CEO PWR Team will evaluate your application and needs, then send over your management proposal + outline. 



If the full package aligns you can sign the dotted line + we can begin onboarding right away OR you can book a call to further discuss your package with Tara. 


Apply Now!



CEO #PRettyawkward entrepreneur




We could talk about our innovative, profitable podcasting strategies all day long. But instead, we’ll let some of our clients do the talking. (After all, they know the benefits of working with us best.)

“Hang on — I just found you randomly on the internet. How can I trust you?”

My team and I are known for creating truly profitable podcasts. 

If you’ve been struggling to monetize your podcast and find yourself wondering whether all those hours behind the mic are actually worth it, then your ride on the struggle bus ends here.
It’s time to take the guesswork out of making money from your podcast and hand the reins over to a team that knows what works. 

We can’t wait to help you amplify your voice, build real relationships with your audience, and discover how easy it can really be to turn subscribers into sales.

Oh, and we don’t just talk the talk — we walk the walk

Podcasting is the center of everything we do here at Profitable Podcast Co; not only in terms of how we serve our clients, but also in terms of how we promote, run, and streamline our own business.

In fact, we use podcasts to…

Generate leads through easily repurposable content (so I can sit down, record, and get back to spending time with my family)

Get found on Google by repurposing our content and leveraging the power of SEO

Close sales on our high-ticket services (as much as $24,000 in a single day) with an automated sales process that doesn’t involve a single sales call

Sell out our launches with strategic, intentional content that attracts and converts perfect-fit clients

Build community through an intimate form of content that doesn’t force me to spend hours each day on social media

Deliver a stellar client experience with easy-to-digest content that answers our clients’ & students’ questions whenever, wherever

Communicate internally, so our ever-growing team is always on top of where the company is going

And I truly believe that’s just the beginning. There are SO many ways to leverage podcasting, and my team and I are constantly testing and exploring new strategies… and we’re beyond excited to bring this expertise to your show!

Who are we?

When I think of podcasting, I think way beyond The Joe Rogan Experience or NPR. 

Because the truth is, your podcast is more than a platform: it’s an intimate way to connect with your community and make effortless, aligned sales in your business.

As a mom to two busy little girls, a podcaster, and the leader of an incredible team of editors, copywriters, and producers — I understand just how precious your time is, especially as an entrepreneur. 

Hi! I’m Tara, CEO & Founder of The Profitable Podcast Company

And creating content just for the sake of creating? That’s a big ol’ waste of time, my friend.

The hustle and grind of being a business owner is sooo 2019. It’s time to leverage the PWR of content that converts and holds an intentional place within the bigger picture for your business — and that’s where we come in.

What our clients love about us

Many of our clients have worked with podcast management agencies before signing on with us. Here’s what they say when we ask them, “Why Profitable Podcast Co?”

We hire experts who are really, really good at what they do.

At PPC, your graphics are always created by our in-house graphic designer, your show notes written by a trained copywriter, and your episodes produced by a master editor. No “jill of all trades” here.

We help you attract more of the right clients, instead of trying to speak to everyone.

When your content is intentionally planned out, you don’t just start attracting more clients; you start attracting more ideal clients. Best of all? They come to sales calls informed and ready to invest in your offers.

We offer consults and support in line with your current strategy & needs.

Need help brainstorming topics in the lead-up to your next launch? Want our take on how to improve the way you promote your funnel? Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered.

We help you convert more clients for your launches and/or evergreen offers.

Our clients constantly tell us that buyers cite their podcast as a main factor when investing in their offers. Enough said.

We help you find freedom and flexibility in your content creation process.

Even if you hate batching, we work with you to plan your content in a helpful, non-overwhelming way, without interrupting your flowy or intuitive nature.

We help you stay visible, so you don’t have to show up when you’re not feeling it.

Don’t have the energy to show up on social media for one week? Our cross-platform promotional strategies mean your audience won’t even notice.

The coolest thing happened to me today! I had someone who booked an intro chat with me and I have high-end offers. The whole time she kept saying that she is listening to my podcast and just handing on every word. She was so excited to talk to me!

She kept citing the podcast and literally just talked her way into working with me. It was the easiest and most effortless sales conversation I think I have ever had!

"Easiest Sales Conversation I have ever had"

Madeleine Wyke Silva

You already have the voice and the vision. We’re here to amplify it.

Our podcast management services are designed to help you scale your entire business: not just your sales, but also your visibility, your connection, your message, and your impact. 

We help you purposefully plan and produce top-tier audio content and take care of amplifying your message everywhere it matters —

so all you have to do is record with intention then get back to running your business.

We're not just for anybody

Fit is important to us

We work with visionary CEOs who value their time and who know that making the most out of their investment means finding a team they can fully trust to help them amplify their vision.

We’re a good fit if…

We’re not a good fit if…

You have a proven offer that you’re ready to scale

You know your messaging + who you’re selling to

You’re ready to amplify your voice + the things in your business that are already working

You’re excited about the idea of putting intentionality behind your podcast episodes

You want an expert team to amplify your message, without you having to lift a finger

You don’t have a business or your business is brand new

You’re not yet clear on your offer suite and messaging fundamentals

You don’t have an offer that’s ready to scale

You’re hoping a podcast is going to save your business

You expect results without putting in any effort (we can help you plan, and we can repurpose but you have to be excited about delivering the content in the first place!)

Apply for DFY Podcast Management

I don’t have a podcast yet. Can you help me launch one?


I’m brand new to business and don’t have any offers yet. Is podcasting right for me?

Do you offer management packages at a lower investment?


Absolutely! You can find out more about our fully done-for-you podcast launch services here.


I’m brand new to business and don’t have any offers yet. Is podcasting right for me?

Do you offer management packages at a lower investment?

I don’t have a podcast yet. Can you help me launch one?

I am nervous to commit to something weekly. Is that the only option?

I’m brand new to business and don’t have any offers yet. Is podcasting right for me?

Do you offer management packages at a lower investment?

If you aren't jiving with a long term commitment of a weekly podcast our team can help you build a one-and-done podcast called a Podfunnel! Learn about that here. 

I don’t have a podcast yet. Can you help me launch one?


I’m brand new to business and don’t have any offers yet. Is podcasting right for me?

Do you offer management packages at a lower investment?

Podcasting can absolutely be beneficial for new business owners. Especially if you have the resources to invest in building your community, testing your messaging, and are in it for the long haul. That said, if you are on a budget we recommend taking some time to flesh out your offers, your messaging, and your target audience before leveraging us to help you sell and scale them. 

I don’t have a podcast yet. Can you help me launch one?


I’m brand new to business and don’t have any offers yet. Is podcasting right for me?

Do you offer management packages at a lower investment?

This is the only package that we offer for Weekly Podcast Management however we do work with clients in our signature program Profitable Podcast School to help them DIY or manage their Profitable Podcast in house. Learn more about it here. 


When you fully stepped into the CEO role of your business, it came with a wake-up call: the no-brainer investments are the ones that guarantee we’ll make our money back plus interest.

There’s a reason we don’t hesitate to drop thousands of dollars on Facebook ads, business coaching, or a new sales page: we know that our money is going to come back to us tenfold. 

If your podcast feels more like an expense than an investment, it’s time to shake things up

Your podcast can (and should) be the same.

Your podcast should be amplifying your resources, not draining them. That’s the power of a holistic podcasting strategy that’s intentionally designed to support your business.

And that’s what we’re all about.

Share your message, gifts, and passions with the world

Reach and connect with more people on a highly-engaged, highly-intimate platform

Create valuable content for your audience on a consistent basis

Build and nurture a warm audience for your business

Automate your marketing, lead generation, onboarding systems, and more

Consistently generate leads for your offers (who already know, like & trust you)

Spend less time on sales calls, with leads who are a perfect fit for your offers

Get higher completion rates in your programs

Discover new and innovative ways to leverage audio content across your entire business

Focus on delivering transformations, instead of spending endless hours promoting

We want to help you…

All so you can spend less time behind your screens

And more time having FUN both inside and outside of your business, without ever compromising the results you deliver for your clients.

Sounds like exactly what you’ve been wanting, right?

We would love to work with you to help you use the PWR of audio to support your team, provide better transformations for your clients, increase your sales, and build the business of your dreams.

We can’t wait to get to know you, your business, and your podcasting needs to see if we’re a good fit. Use the button below to book your no-pressure discovery call with us today.

Apply Now for DFY Podcast Management